Club Crave is a discreet lifestyle club hosting various parties to provide people an opportunity to connect and explore friendships and desires. Our parties are held the every other friday of every month from 9:00 pm to 2:00 am at a safe, discreet non-public location. The venue provides an intimate, erotic environment for good conversation, dancing, and indulging your appetite with new experiences. We make sure to provide a friendly and comfortable atmosphere.
We are a private adult membership club. you can apply online on ticket leap. We reserve the right to refuse admittance or revoke membership privileges for rule violations.
Couples & Single Females are always Welcome. Single Males are invite only and limited based on ratio to couples.
Membership: $45 Couple // $20 Single Female // $45 Single Male (Covers first party)
Party Admission: $45 Couple Members // Free for Female Members // $45 Single Male Members
Must be 21 or Older to Enter. Valid ID is Required.
Dress Code: Think date night!!! Sexy Club Wear; Dress-Casual.
mandatory: Be clean with good hygiene. be well-groomed.
RSVP and Receive your Confirmation Early.
Club Rules
1. No means No.
2. Always Ask Permission before touching anyone.
3. Be Courteous & Respectful.
4. Adults 21 or older.
5. Be Discreet & Respect Privacy. Do not discuss the club or members in public.
6. Do Not give out the club location to non-members.
7. No use of illegal drugs permitted.
8. No illegal activity of any kind permitted.
9. No illegal solicitation permitted.
10. No Photographing or Videoing with cell phones, cameras, or any other recording devices.
12. No Indoor Smoking, however; Vapes and e-Cigs are allowed.